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Frequently asked questions

What is Matt paint?



This exciting matt paint technology produces a uniquely dramatic, hi-tech satin appearance, yet also provides a protective shell which safeguards the underlying paint film and ensures the outstanding long term durability of the Veloster. The matt paint finish, like any high quality vehicle paint finish, requires care and has some advantages. Matt finish vehicles do not require wax, polish or anything else to create shine. The aim is to always hand-wash the vehicle without scratching the matte paint finish and to protect it from (but not limited to) environmental fall out, bird droppings, tree sap damage – just as any other high quality paint finish would require.



The high gloss finish of conventional vehicle paintwork is created by the clear-coat layer – a transparent paint film which is applied over the colour layer to leave a tough, shiny surface. In contrast, matt clearcoat paint technology has been specifically formulated to eliminate the glossy sheen and light reflection of a conventional clear-coat. As a result, it creates an exclusive satin-like finish and gives the vehicle a unique exterior appearance.

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